

I hear her whisper in the dark… voice sullen and cold.

My eyes stay closed as I strain my ears to listen… to her every breath…

Remembering similar nights spent… counting her heartbeats.

No rhythmic thrumming on this night… our last.

“I can’t…” she begins… “I won’t” I finish.


Just like that… we were over.


I pick my way through the dark… dressing in silence.

Feel her gaze on my silhouette as I slide into my shoes… straining to see my face… maybe catch my eye…

Remembering similar nights spent… holding me close… touching my skin.

No easy sighs of bliss on this night… our last.

“Please stay…” she begins… “I’ll go” I finish.


Just like that… it was over.


I walk quickly through the house… knowing my way by heart.

Eyes burning with unshed tears… throat tight… head beginning to pound…

Remembering similar nights… when you were missed…  before you were even gone.

No separation anxiety on this night… the last.


I look back one last time into your home… filled with shadows both seen and unseen… then pull the door closed with a final click.

Standing outside I take in a deep breath… looking up into the night sky… I release all of the tension of the last few weeks on a long and deep sigh.

Shoulders now relaxed… tension leaving my body… lips curved into a reluctant smile…

“Finally….” I whisper to myself with a grin.

I walk toward home… hopeful and relieved… filled with the wonder of possibilities.


–  Nova

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