If you don’t want to hear it… don’t even
I’ve recently encountered some nonsense very specific to some younger ladies who are unaware of how the world works, their self worth and think they are entitled to say and do as they please. I had to take a minute to compose myself and get my mind right for what I wanted to say, had to remember my mama raised a lady and there is little to nothing in this world worth losing my religion over or stepping outside of my character.
So it is with this in mind that I speak to you the way my gran would speak to you, for she was a loving spirit, wise beyond measure and the originator of ‘keepin it real’.
Little girl… I need you to take a moment for yourself to sit down and listen. All this ‘queen bee’ and ‘I’m a boss’ stuff means nothing when you have accomplished nothing. See me? I don’t sleep in my mama’s house. I don’t eat my father’s food. The money in my pocket I earned… LEGALLY at that little thing called a J.O.B. Bank account? Credit cards? Yes, I have those too… right along with my rent payment and the BILLS that I pay because they’re required to maintain MY household. I’m grown.
Little girl… contrary to your beliefs the world does not revolve around you. Though you may think this to be true… your problems are not more important than anyone else’s. Everyone has drama and baggage. We all have hurts that are hidden and some that are not so hidden, battle scars, trauma, damn girl it’s called LIFE. Every piece of hurt is intended to shape who you are. The key is to learn from our experiences… not to let them consume you.
Little girl… I was raised in an old school West Indian family. We were taught to have that elusive something called MANNERS. Say ‘excuse me’ when you’ve done something, ‘please’ when you want something, and ‘thank you’ when someone has done something for YOU. When you walk down the street you are not just representing yourself. You represent your entire family, your friends and your mate. Honor thy mother and father… I’m sure you’ve heard it… has it ever occurred to you that the attitude and disgraceful way you carry yourself makes people question where and how you were raised? Stop stomping through life like a bull in a china shop, because when you act like a barn animal rest assured the world will treat you like one.
Little girl… get over yourself. If someone expresses concern for your well being… be grateful. If someone gives you praise… be humble. When a person asks you ‘how are you’ give them an answer… and for God’s sake if someone tells you ‘I want to help’ or ‘I’m worried’ say a prayer of thanks because there are too many people in this life with no one to look out for them and too many others with no one to care. Walk in their shoes for a day and figure out that even though you may be wrapped up in your moment… someone took time out of THEIR day to think about YOU. That is not a right… it’s a f*cking privilege… treat it as such.
Little girl…. stop believing the lies bitter women, little boys and old fools tell you. Laying on your back is not a life skill. Please understand that. Save your life, cook a meal sometime. Nourish your soul and feed someone else once in a while. You are not a woman because you bleed once a month, and pushing out babies doesn’t do it either. You are woman when you learn to put the needs of others before your own, when you can sacrifice a little bit of something for yourself now in order to have alot of something for the people you care about later, and when you finally grasp the concept that tomorrow is not promised to you. Your beauty is not encompassed by a ‘tight weave’, or ‘flawless makeup’ or even a ‘bangin body’. Your beauty is encompassed by your actions, how you treat others, the love in your heart and the strength of your spirit. A woman is not measured by what lies between her thighs… but what rests between her ears.
Little girl… I’m going to say this just one time. Stay out of grown folks business… mind your own… and have some respect for yourself… because until you do… no one else will.
– Nova